“Open Doors” allow future students and their parents to meet teachers, assistants and administrative staff of Slobomir P University, to see the space and technical resources at our disposal and to get any other information that is relevant for future students when they are deciding about the choice of the faculty.

The interested can visit the premises of Slobomir P University on weekdays from 8 am from 16h. It is recommended that all interested people first contact person in charge of the desired faculty.
Contact persons in Doboj:
- Faculty of Economics and Management – Danijela Maksimović (tel. 053/209-629, danijela.maksimovic@spu.ba)
- Faculty of Information Technology – Željko Gavrić (tel. 053/209-617, zeljko.gavric@spu.ba)
- Faculty of Law – Nataša Maletić (tel. 053/209-614, natasa.maletic@spu.ba)
- Faculty of Philology – Mihaela Malešević (tel. 053/209-633,mihaela.gojkovic@mail.com)
- Tax Academy – Danijela Maksimović (tel. 053/209-629, danijela.maksimovic@spu.ba)
- Department of Graphic Design – Zoran Ilišković (tel. 053/209-634,zoran.iliskovic@spu.ba)
Contact persons in Slobomir:
- Faculty of Economics and Management – Ružica Stojanović (kabinet 308, tel. 055/231-169, ruzica.bircakovic@spu.ba)
- Faculty of Information Technology – Drago Vidović (office 314, tel. 055/231-172,drago.vidovic@spu.ba)
- Faculty of Law – Danijela Lakić (office 312, tel. 055/231-171,danilalakic@yahoo.com)
- Faculty of Philology – Danijela Božić (office 312 tel. 055/231-171,daniela.bozic@yahoo.com)
- Tax Academy – Ljiljana Maksimović (office 310, tel. 055/231-170,ljilja.jelic@spu.ba)
- Department of Music – Mr Aleksandra Radosavljević (kabinet 116, tel. 055/231-139,a.umjetnosti@spu.ba)
- Department of Graphic Design – Mr Nenad Malešević (office 331, tel. 055/231-174, malesevicn@yahoo.com)